a) |
Landlords must keep all Security Deposits in a federally insured interest-bearing account and kept separate and not commingled with the personal assets of the Landlord. 5-12-080(a) |
b) |
Upon receiving any security deposit from a tenant, a landlord must furnish the tenant with a receipt acknowledging the amount of the deposit and the name of person receiving it. 5-12-080(b) |
c) |
Landlords must pay interest on all security deposits held for over six months determined in accordance with an interest rate set yearly by the City Comptroller. 5-12-080(c). |
d) |
Landlord must return the security deposit to the tenant within 45 days from the date the Tenant vacates the premises (or within 7 days from the date tenant gives notice of termination). |
i. |
If a landlord withholds any rent due to damage in the unit, the landlord must mail an itemized statement of the alleged damage including receipts or estimates of repair within 30 days from the date the tenant vacates the premises. 5-12-080(d). |